March with AEGEE-Praha by the participants

St. Mathew’s Fair with AEGEE­-Praha (5th March)

Author: Jakub Drizga

For this time, we met at St. Mathew´s Fair (Matějská pouť) beside regularly planned Wednesday. Some of us have found out that being an astronaut might not be as easy as it sounds like. The best of the attractions were bumper cars, where we already stayed at ground. All the Wednesday adventure was ended up with international „beer tasting“ at a local pub;).“

Author: Jindra Štěpánek

On Wednesday, March 5, there was no typical Aegee meeting in University of Economics, Prague building. Instead of that, we have visited the St. Matthew´s Fair held in Holešovice. Right behind the entrance gate there are several attractions, which are located there all year long as I remember. The proper fair takes place in the lower part of Výstaviště Holešovice site. Booster was the first attraction we were interested in (some of us weren´t). Four of us bought the tickets as two bravest of us ate the whole kebab just before the ride. You can get very nice view over the whole site from the top, I think at night it´s even more amazing than during the daylight because of all lights. At the end of the ride some of us decided not to wish to be astronaut anymore. We continued our tour, unfortunately most of the attractions were closing, although the closing time was nine o´clock. However we used the last chance to take a ride with dodgem cars and it was really worth of it. The end of the evening was typically spent in one of Holešovice pub.

Discussion about elections to the European Parliament 2014 (12th March)

Author: Veronika Junková


On Wednesday 12th March, the members of AEGEE participated in a lecture and a subsequent discussion about European Parliament. Its main goal was to raise awareness of approaching elections in May as, according to statistics, the participation was very low last years. During his lecture, Mgr. Ondřej Kaleta provided us with detailed information not only about these elections but also about the structure of EP, representation of Czech deputies or position of EP within the institutional structure of EU. In conclusion, Mr. Kaleta listened to our opinions and willingly answered our numerous questions.

More pictures on Facebook.

Stories from the Youth in Action project in Turkey (19th March)

Author: Zuzana Ledbová

This time at our Wednesday’s regular meeting, we talked about experiences from February trip to Turkey, where five of us AEGEE Praha members travelled thanks to cooperation under the EU programme Youth in Action. We took part in a one-week project called Global Warning! held in Eceabat, a small town on the Gallipoli peninsula, and before its start spent three amazing days in Istanbul. Since all of us immediately fell in love with the Turkish metropolis situated on two continents and its lively atmosphere, leaving it was very hard, but the project itself exceeded our already high expectations. Not only tried we to create and present our own campaign about various global issues, but thanks to the great group of people and perfect organization also spent an unforgettable week full of fun and new expreriences, all in sunny weather and surrounded by clear blue sea.

Climbing with AEGEE-Praha (20th March)

Author: Petr Langer

I am really passionate about climbing so when I found out that AEGEE Praha was going to organize bouldering event. I was definitely in. You might ask what exactly bouldering means? It is a special kind of climbing without rope on small climbing walls (height is approximately 5m). You are falling into soft mattresses so it is absolutely safe – don’t worry! Unlike normal climbing you do not need endurance that much but you definitely need power and agility. The good thing is that you do not need much equipment – you need just comfortable sport clothes, climbing shoes and chalk bag which is designed to keep your hands dry. Nevertheless there is one obstacle you need to overcome. You need to have very strong fingers and there are not many ways you can strengthen them than in the climbing gym.

How was it? We met in a good number of 8 people in Boulder bar, rent the equipment and entered the gym. I was the most experienced one so I told the others the basics. I told them something like: “You just need to use both your hands and legs, hold on like grim death and try to reach the end of the route before you run out of power.” but it was not probably the best advice so showed the other how I do it and then suggested the others to try it on their own. It is quite hard for the newbies but everybody catch up very fast and I hope that everybody enjoyed it as I did. Before we finished we made a group picture and finally went to the bar to enjoy desired award – cold beer. It is really great thing about that place because it is both a gym and a bar. This might be the reason why are all

Go to Summer University with AEGEE! (26th March)

Author: Martin Zágora


On Wednesday, March 26, the first meeting about “Summer Universities” was held. The audience was pretty numerous and varied, there were old AEGEE members with plenty of experience and people who had heard about AEGEE just a week before as well. First things first. The president of Prague’s antenna Šárka started with the presentation about AEGEE trying to introduce it to the audience and possibly attract people to join and participate. Then three experienced members Kuba, Petr and Ivan presented the Summer Universities they had visited. Their great speech was even being improved by pictures they took during these SUs. The pictures of beautiful nature sceneries were mixed with party photos with bad quality which was just underlining our expectations about the condition of photographers during these hard parties. Jakub even shared with us his short video from a “boat party” and after watching this crazy thing there were no doubts that the word “university” is not really good designation for this event. Small discussion and loud applause followed the great speech. In the end, everybody was more than sure about one fact. Summer University is totally worth attending!

More pictures on Facebook.
