Types of SU

Summer Course (SC)

The Summer Course is a course about a specific topic ranging from language and local culture to environment and politics. It has a duration of two to four weeks. Participants receive at least 14 hours of tuition per week. The fee of 11 Euros/night includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social program.

Summer Course Plus (SC+)

The Summer Course Plus is mostly the same as the previous one with the great difference that during its duration of two to four weeks, participants receive at least 20 hours of intensive tuition per week by professionals on the topic. The fee of 14 Euros/night includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme.

Travelling Summer University (TSU)

The Travelling Summer University is organized by two or more locals. During the 2-4 weeks of cultural trip through a part of Europe, the group stays in at least 4 different places. The aim of this event is to combine the different lifestyles and cultures of the places visited with acourse provided like in Summer Course. Since there is a lot of time spent in travelling, the tuition hours are less than Summer Course, but at least 10 hours per week. The fee of 14 Euros/night includes lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm), travel costs from the first to the last place mentioned in the programme, and a social programme.
