Constructing the Europe we want for our future!
Dear members of AEGEE-Praha and all people who are supporting our ideas and activities!
AEGEE-Praha would like to present you the project shielded by our umbrella organization AEGEE-Europe and Organizing team of Europe on Track project, with the kind support of Youth for Public Transportation and InterRail associations, YVote project of AEGEE-Europe and local Prague Transport company.
Two teams of 3 ambassadors of AEGEE-Europe will travel across the continent from Western Europe, through central-eastern Europe, touching the Balkans and some of the EU neighboring countries, like Belarus and Ukraine. The travelers crossing the European continent by train, interviewing young people from various backgrounds about their vision of Europe will present and discuss the main topics of the project (Youth Mobility, Spreading Europtimism, Youth Participation, Youth Employment and European Parliamentary Elections in 2014), encourage young people to get involved as active citizens, and capture possible ways of participating in the construction of the European Project.
One team of three ambassadors – Yana, Wessel and Javier – will arrive to Prague on Tuesday 15 April 2014. On Tuesday in the evening AEGEE-Praha members will welcome the travelers in Prague and already launch the discussions on topics related to Europe on Track project in a more social place. Please, stay tuned and find more information in the event of AEGEE-Praha on Facebook.
On Wednesday 16 April 2014 from 15,00 PM the ambassadors of the Europe on Track project will be visiting the Metro Depots (station Kačerov) of the Prague Public Transportation association. The members of AEGEE-Praha are kindly invited to join this excurse as well. The places are limited of up to 15 people! In case you want to join this interesting part of the program, please, contact the representative of Youth for Public Transport organization Thiago Tavares on
On Wednesday 16 April 2014 from 18,30 PM the ambassadors will have a panel session at the Economic University in Prague (room SB 126). The representative of Youth for Public Transportation will join us with a short speech before the travelers present us the Europe on Track project, the objectives and goals, and explain us what could we do in order to get involved in shaping the future of Europe. The subsequent discussion will allow the participants of the session to ask any question related to the topic of Spreading Europtimism, which AEGEE-Praha chose as the most actual topic for itself in this project. We would like to welcome kindly all members of AEGEE-Praha to this panel session as well as anybody interested in the mentioned topic.
The wider audience can keep track of the journey’s details by following the travelers’ blog on AEGEE-Europe’s website
For members of AEGEE-Praha there is also a unique chance to meet the travelers even before they arrive to Prague. This year’s edition opens the possibility to get to know the lives of the ambassadors on the train by taking part in the Hop-On project. Our members can join the travelers in Berlin, the station before Prague, and go with them to Brno, the station after Prague. They can help the ambassadors with the interviews of young people, ask them how it is to travel days in a row by train and spend one month in different places to meet the uncountable number of new people. To obtain more information, please, contact the AEGEE-Praha EoT coordinator Jana Pokorná on
At the end of the whole project the Final conference of Europe on Track in Budapest will take place on 1-2 May 2014. If you want to join, please contact the main organizer of this project Réka Salamon on